
Friday, December 16, 2005

Haircut Take 2

I posted quite a while back about my latest choice in hair salons. (yes, I'll pause while you snicker) Well, I went back today to get a little off the top and I had an experience similar to my afformentioned visit.

First off, Chloe is still hott (yes, two t's) and her fingernails still rule.

Anyway, she's working on my head and we both overhear a stylist/client conversation taking place behind us. There was an older lady sitting in the chair, looked to be in her late 60's, and she was chatting away with the gal doing her hair:

Both: yak yak yak
Stylist: Oh, I forgot to tell you, I saw your son and daugher-in-law on Evening Edition the other day!
Old Lady: Really? I had no idea they were going to be on.
Stylist: Yes, it was really exciting, I thought about calling you. They were giving a tour of their home.
Old Lady: Oh yes, it is a lovely little place.
Stylist: They were talking about food for the holidays and mentioned how they had just ordered $80,000 worth of caviar for the party.
Old Lady: $8,000?
Stylist: No, $80,000.
Old Lady: Oh good, that's my favorite!

I was happy to see that when I looked in the mirror, Chloe's jaw had dropped as far as mine.

Where do these people come from, and why does this hair salon attract them so?

In other news, long hair and overgrown beard...decent. Short hair and overgrown beard...not so much. I'll be shaving immediatly following my Best Buy camp out.

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