
Friday, October 07, 2005

Freitag Funf

1. How long have you had your LiveJournal/blog?
Coupla months.

2. What do you consider to be the main purpose of your LiveJournal/blog?
To enlighen the world in all that is the beautiful and wonderful me.

3. If you could change something about your personal blogging style, what would it be?
If I could change? What would be stopping me, it's my blog isn't it? Boring, I'd like to be more boring. I give it a pretty good go right now, but I bet I could really be spectacularly boring if I truly applied myself.

4. What are your criteria for adding someone to your friends list/blog roll?
Don't really have any, but I'm pretty picky. Probably overly so.

5. Name one thing that you've never before written about in your LJ/blog.
Monkeys fucking. Not that I don't find it interesting, it's just a subject that doesn't come up much.

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