
Wednesday, March 15, 2006


Well it's been a week now, I guess it's time for another post. I've really let this thing fall to the way side the past several weeks. Amazing the things you end up not doing when you fill up your free time with other projects.

I recently had the chance to design the graphics and layout for an internal website related to Xbox and I've found that to be a little more fun than the other things I usually do when I have slow moments or just need a break (go figure). But that's been implemented now so aside from a few minor tweaks to take care of, I guess I have my free time back.

I couldn't think of a better way to start back up than with my fortune from today's lunch. Actually, that's a lie, I just didn't take the time to think of something better.


Remember three months from this date.
Good things are in store for you.

Translation: I have no friggin' idea. How does one remember something which hasn't happened yet? Maybe in June I'll get that pony I've always wanted. And by pony I mean Nymphomaniac. Maybe if I "remember" it enough it'll happen. That'd be real swell.

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