
Monday, October 17, 2005



I'm on an airplane. I don't know where I left from and I don't know where I'm going. We're about to land. I'm sitting in a window seat on the right side of the pane, somewhere in front of the wing. There's a lady sitting next to me, but I don't know who she is. I don't know if somebody is occupying the isle seat or not. The plane is rushing towards the runway and the ground is coming up fast. I can see the tarmac and there is a lot of green grass growing on my side of it. Somehow I can see in front of our plane and notice that another plane has just taken off from the runway we are about to land on. It is heading directly at us. We're only a hundred feet or so off the ground. Suddenly our plane makes a hard roll to the right. I hear screaming.

I'm being thrown around but continue to have a clear view out of the window. I can see the runway directly below my window, it has dark skidmarks on it from landings long gone by. Now I can see the grass on the opposite side of the runway, we're upside down. More screaming. There's a sharp jolt followed by the ear-piercing screech of metal on concrete. Gradually we come to a stop and I'm hanging upside down. I look at the lady next to me and we both smile. We're alive. I reach up to try and undo my seatbelt and hear and enormous boom and feel a flash of heat. The world goes white.

I wake up.

exp: I don't know what the deal is with airplanes in my dreams lately. I think I'm not going to get on one for a little while.

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