Thanks to
Femi-Mommy for providing something to do while waiting for my code to build.
- Age of your first kiss: I honestly can't remember, been a looooong time ago.
- Band you are listening to right now: Android Lust. Shikhee is a babe.
- Crush: Most recent would be Keira Knightly I suppose. She had a great smile in Love Actually.
- Dad's name: If you know mine, you know his.
- Easiest person to talk to: My daughter, she doesn't care.
- Favorite ice cream: Daiquiri Ice.
- Gummy worms or gummy bears: Neither, Sour Patch Kids.
- Hometown: Somewhere in the Cheese State.
- Instruments: Skin flute?
- Junior High: Named after a guy with apple problems.
- Kids: One.
- Longest car ride: Denver -> Seattle. Sux.
- Mom's name: Can have chocolate chips in it.
- Nicknames: Joe. Only applies to my sister: "What's up Joe?" I have no idea where that one came from.
- One wish: Impossible things.
- Phobia: Luposlipaphobia.
- Quote: Bla.
- Reasons to smile: ...
- Scent: Pine.
- Time you woke up today: Noon.
- Unknown fact about me: I shave, but at the moment, not my face.
- Values: Yes.
- Worst luck with: Getting in the wrong (slowest) line at the grocery store.
- Xrays you've had: A few of the brain, one of the face (that one was soooo cool), collar bone area, teeth.
- Years since you've been to church: Not sure, but I think the last time was my grandfather's funeral 2+ years ago.