
Wednesday, June 28, 2006

I Have A Big But

No, not that kind of butt, the other but. Although I'm still working on a post somewhat regarding the former too...

Anyway, don't you love it when you have one of those Ah Ha! moments? What do they call that, an epiphany? Well, I had one today. Nothing all that special, but I did figure something out about myself today. You know you're hard to get when you usually don't get yourself. The thing is, I'm a pretty poor decision maker. That's not to say I often make poor decisions (well, maybe I do), I'm just bad at making ANY decisions. And I just figured out why.

I'm too damn analytical. Which has it's plusses and minuses I guess. And that brings me to the epiphany: I can't make decisions because I can always see both sides of things fairly well. For those of you that know me, think back to all the conversations we've had.

I'll wait a second...........

Okay, so, how many times have you heard me talk about an idea and have it go something like this: "here's an idea...bla bla bla...BUT..." ? I just realized I do it ALL the time.

You don't know it, but I'm actually doing it right now. I don't know how to end this post, so I don't know if I should just keep revising it or adding to it. Revising it could make it better, BUT it won't end it. Adding to it probably won't make it better, BUT it could get me closer to ending it.

There's always a but, and that's why I can't decide.

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